Saturday was a jammed packed day and I was excited to get to see so many people. I was even going to drive once again in Los Angeles. This did not worry me but it was a bit overwhelming as when I moved I specifically chose a location where I would not need to drive to work. I drive very rarely in fact in Pittsburgh. It is quite nice to not be in that race any longer. But back to my day...
Saturday, March 1st was in typical SoCal fashion a gray and overcast and very cool day, with little hope of it ever burning off. It was quite funny that so many people kept apologizing to me that the weather was not better. I just laughed as I had left a blizzard! This was not bad! I get on the road after picking up dessert for the BBQ and I head north on the all too familiar 405 and crawl up the Sepulveda Pass. Ah, this I do not miss!!
I get to Simi Valley quite fast as traffic is not bad at this time. I pull in and a car pulls in next to me and I realize that it is Wendy. Who has jumped out and is waiting to greet me warmly. We hug, grab our stuff and head to the Gordon's home. Bill and Claudia bought a home in Simi Valley last summer and it was just beautiful. It was a warm and welcoming home filled with my friends! :-) Bill and Claudia were feverishly working on the BBQ fixins while Wendy and I chatted. Marissa and Sal arrived not too long after we had arrived and the party was in full swing. We had yummy salsa made special by Mari. She was concerned that there was too much garlic and spice. We all laughed as it was perfect! Yummy fresh salsa!!!
We talked and talked and then Nuria was awake. The newest member of the Gordon-Suhr family joined us. She is just beautiful. It was great to finally get to meet her as she was born around the time I was moving. She is going to be a beauty like her mom and have a love of books like both her parents.

We spent a very lovely afternoon stuffing our faces with yummy BBQ, chinese chicken salad, pasta salad, garlic bread, fresh salsa and onion dip. It was all our favorites with some of my most favorite people from my time at UCLA. The funny thing is that we were so busy talking and enjoying the food that the only picture I took was of Nuria. But what a wonderful time. Thanks to Bill and Claudia for opening their home to me. Thanks to Wendy, Marissa and Sal for making the trek to Simi just to hang out with me!!
Late in the afternoon I headed back to the Westside and sat in lovely LA traffic. Traffic like this on a Saturday afternoon is something that I just will never miss! But I needed to get back and get ready for my evening. I was going to see some friends with whom I had not seen in almost 11 years.

I arrive safely at Heidi's, get ready, call Tony and let him know that I am ready to be picked up for our night out. Tony, Gene, and Lisa arrive at Heidi's and it is like no time had passed since we had seen each other. It was great to meet Gene's wife for the first time, too! Thank god their was another girl there otherwise I am afraid of the drinking that would have taken place!
We get to Tony's place and he shows me around. Then we are going to head out for dinner and drinks. This is where the walking in LA part comes into play. No one walks in LA but we decide (and Tony swore) to go some place close. So we head out to McCormick & Schmick for drinks. We walk, and walk...walk...and laugh...where the hell are we going Tony? Sheesh?!?! We finally get to the restaraunt and it is packed but we opt to go across the street to PF Changs for dinner and drinks. We find ourselves at the bar with drinks and having a grand old time! Lisa and I had a nice discussion on what constitutes around the corner in Tony's mind vrs. a normal person. And then we wondered how many people felt bad for the poor people walking down the street whose car broke down. Too funny!
After dinner we walked back to Tony's place as he had promised to make us this drink from Peru. Yeah, I had a taste and then moved on to some wine. I am not sure what was in the drink but there was an egg and that was just too much for me. But it was so great to hang out and laugh and be with good friends again! It was like no time had passed and that was such a relief for me. (there is more of a story here but that will have to be for another blog or a book!)
At some point, we all headed off to bed. The next morning was bright and sunny and since there are no curtains in the Pham house it was an easy way to wake up! *note to Tony: GET some curtains!! Seriously!!!* We were all awake and decided to head out to get some breakfast at this place near the airport called the Proud Bird. It was a spectacular place to have food and champagne and watch the planes land. We even walked around outside afterwards checking out the replica planes.

Outside in the plane area at the Proud Bird.

Gene and Lisa

Gene only had to take three pictures of Tony and I before I realized that I needed to hold his hand to keep him from making hand gestures! Some boys will never grow up! ;-)
Gene, Lisa and Tony dropped me off at Heidi's but Tony and I had plans to get together Monday at USC. (more on that later!) Upon arrival at Heidi's I quickly showered and then we had some fun with Marco as he had elephant ears! About 10 seconds later he had them torn to pieces. :-(

More to come on the afternoon and evening....stay tuned for Part 3...More Walking in LA!