Sunday, August 17, 2008

Drawing to a Close...

Summer is drawing to a close. For the first time in many years I am actually sad about this. Most who know me well know that I long for Fall and start of football season. Don't get me wrong I am looking forward to those things but something has changed in me. Changed for the better I suspect.

Yesterday sitting with friends enjoying coffee, brunch and conversation we mulled over what a "successful" summer looked like. And lamented to one another how this was NOT the summer any of us had pictured for ourselves. Yet, as the conversation continued we unearthed the truth that in the end it was a success for a variety of other reasons. It was not a huge weight loss for me but it was a huge loss of weight from the past. It was the completion of a half marathon and successful fund-raising effort for my one friend. It was an amazing vacation spent with family and an even more amazing retreat for another friend. None of this can be measured on a scale. None of this can even begin to measure to the pounds we have lost and will lose.

The successes are deep within us and should not be diminished or ignored. The forward progress that I have made this summer has been giant. I feel like a completely different person having stepped outside of some old comfort zones. I feel like a person who has gotten to the other side after a painful divorce and no longer feels like a failure. I put myself out there and was vulnerable to the point of humiliation and it was exciting and just what I needed. Even though it did not work out in any way it was exactly what I needed to be able to firmly say I am moving forward. I feel it deep in my soul.

So as the summer of 2008 is about to rapidly wind down into the crispness of fall, I can not help but wonder what is next. I feel it in the air. Change has happened. Progress has happened. I am stronger, happier and continue to work on finding my balance for a whole life. I am getting my own time...and I am happy with that. I am sad to see summer go but happy to have had the amazing experiences that were bestowed upon my path. For all those blessings I am grateful beyond words.