Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Before the end of 2007 I got an email from a fabulous artist and writer, Jennifer Louden. I get her "Self Care Minder" regularly in my email box. They don't come on the same day or at the same time but they come regularly and timely for me. For that I am grateful! So on December 27th I checked my email and there was a new one. She had her list of minimum requirements for 2008. The thought of that struck me and stuck with me.

I stopped making resolutions some time back when I started being more gentle with myself. I got a card in the mail from someone very dear to me that told me NOT to make any resolutions. I actually laughed out loud knowing that I was already there and it felt good. Now, that does not mean that I do not have goals or intentions. No, I am not planning on spending a year doing nothing.

I feel 2008 is going to be quite exhilarating and exciting and filled with lots of joy, laughter and love. I mean how can my year not go well with USC playing in the Rose Bowl? ;-) Fight On Trojans....Beat Illinois!

Okay, back to this new year and my plans...they are quite grand! Drum roll please....

1. Cook healthy food and enjoy it!
2. Move my body regularly. It makes me feel so much better.
3. Practice yoga. It makes me feel and experience life so much clearer.
4. Meditate regularly. It keeps me grounded, centered and on track.
5. Volunteer. Just do it!
6. Remember to take my cloth shopping bags to the store and my own mug to the coffee shop.
7. Focus on the inside to make the outside what I want.
8. Be happy with where I am at when I am there...always.
9. Sleep.
10. Read new authors and re-read old ones.
11. Write regularly.
12. Spend time with friends and family.
13. Lose weight.
14. Paint with no fear.
15. Other goals and plans to come...

So what are your plans for this year? I have some pretty big ones so far. I will be visiting Los Angeles at the end of February for a few days. I will be volunteering at Buckeye Girls State in June. I am going to be an aunt in a couple weeks. Okay, so I actually have nothing to do with this one but I will have plenty to do with the spoiling and teaching of young Cameron!

This is not all but some of the big points for now.

A new year brings to mind much sense of hope, wonderment and joy.

What will you do with yours?