I thought I would take a moment to recap and catch some of you up on the happenings in my life.
Where to begin...I was born one winter day in January...No! that seems a bit too far back! :-) Okay, seriously though...quick recap time...
Summer 2005: Girls State in June, got divorced in August
Fall 2005: Serious football time in the fabulous football room, made Thanksgiving dinner with Heidi, got a big raise at work finally! Learned about living on my own
Christmas 2005: got my first tree all on my own, held a dinner party at my place for my family of friends, celebrated Christmas with my LA family
January 2006: celebrated my birthday for over a week! You only turn 33 once!
April 2006: became an auntie to Marco Cesare Torre on 04/05/06!!!
Spring 2006: served as temporary Student Services manager and tried to start figuring out my life, lived through normal and not so normal crap at work.
Summer 2006: Girls State at Fresno State and the Governator! Started applying for jobs back East!
September 2006: phone interviews during the first week of classes at UCLA! talk about multi-tasking! ;-)
October 2006: flew to Pittsburgh for interviews and was offered job at Carnegie Mellon on Friday 13th! Spent the weekend in Wellsville and then flew back to LA to plan a cross-country move. Went to the UCLA-Washington State Game at the Rose Bowl (Marco's 1st football game!)
- movers came Thursday, November 2nd;
- last day of work Friday, November 3rd;
- going away party Sunday, November 5th;
- packed up car and started my cross-country drive Tuesday, November 7th;

- arrived at mom's Friday, November 10th with NO SPEEDING TICKETS!!!
- moved into new apartment Wednesday, November 15th
- started new job Monday, November 20th
- spent Thanksgiving with family in Ohio and went Black Friday shopping for the 1st time!

That gets you to the start of 2007...which will be discussed in another blog soon!
I think that should catch you up if you have been out of the loop.
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