Saturday, December 29, 2007

Less of Me

Normally, people would not be excited about getting on a scale after the holidays. I was not excited but I was not fearful or guilt ridden this time. Today was the last weigh in of 2007 for me and the me that is sitting here today is different than the me I was at the start of the year. For that I am grateful and hopeful.

The last week has been c-r-a-z-y but somehow I was able to find balance and make it work for me as I am down 2 lbs. from last week. For the month of December I am down 7.4 lbs. Woo Hoo!!! I made it through the holidays and bucked the norms!!!

To be at this point at the end of 2007 is absolutely exciting for me. For the very first time I am consistently working towards my goals. I am not in a hurry and I am not going very fast but I am moving forward! I am looking forward to 2008 and I am so excited to not be dreading the new year as I am lighter than I was a year ago! Next year I will be even lighter, that much I can guarantee!

I plan to spend the next couple days reflecting on how far I have come and making some plans for more forward progress and more weight loss. Stay tuned for more from me...


*marisa said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so inspiring. I am trying to be healthier too and it's good to see successes like yours. :) GOOD JOB!!

Nicole said...

Thanks Marisa! I have made some wonderful friends in my Saturday early morning WW meeting! Take care and thanks for the starbucks card! You rock! Hugs!!!