This was done on Myspace back in November. My good friend Dana requested that I do this on there. I was re-reading it and thought it might be something fun to put on my new blog.
So in the spirit of full disclosure I am putting out a list of 10 random facts or habits or quirks or goals or whatever. Drum roll, please...
In the words of Lexi Grey...
"Maybe now you can hate me a little less."
(I live for Thursday nights and Grey's!!!)
"Maybe now you can hate me a little less."
(I live for Thursday nights and Grey's!!!)
1. I am neurotic about knowing details, plans, everything and anything that puts me at ease. It is ironic that lately people keep coming into my life who are trying to teach me to go with the flow, relax and don't plan, just be. Ugh! I am trying, really I am but I am me and I am a bit neurotic. I do try to hide it but sometimes I do not succeed.
2. I am addicted to pickles. Seriously. I don't remember the last time I went to the grocery store and did not buy some. I eat them all the time. They need to be crisp and crunchy. I do not think I could live without them. I believe that this is due to the fact that when I was in the womb my mom ate pickles, lots and lots of them.

3. I miss Los Angeles. I miss the 405. I miss good and easily accessible wine. I miss driving up the coast on a hooky day to get fresh lobster and sit in the sun next to PCH and the ocean. I miss sitting at the Vintage Tea Leaf or Elixir with Julie for hours talking about life and love and the lack/possibility in both! I miss watching football in the football room at Heidi's house. The football room rocked!! Almost as hard as Heidi...who I miss terribly.

4. I love living in Pittsburgh. Really, really love it. I have reduced my stress level hugely. I have made some amazing new friends. I am near my family. I am going to be an aunt. I enjoy the time I spend with my family immensely. They are really amazing people! And at times they drive me nuts. Ah, family!

5. I thrive when I have creativity in my life. Museums are a lovely way to spend a day. Painting is a joyous adventure. Writing is a passion. Making jewelry is a new found love. Scrapbooking is fun. Anything that I can play with and make something from is an amazing thing for me in my life.
6. I hate looking weak or incapable to anyone ever. Ever! Looking like a failure haunts me. I want people to like me. Always!
7. I want to write and publish a book or three. I will write and publish a book or three. I have so much to say and I will do this one day very soon.
8. I want to go to Italy. I want to go for a month minimum to paint, write, drink wine, eat and enjoy all the wonders of Italy. I want to get married in Italy. I want a quaint ceremony at sunset in the countryside of Tuscany.
9. I enjoy baking and am really good at it. I enjoy cooking and am good at that too. But I don't do either very much since I live alone. I am excited about the holidays coming since I have been started getting threats of blackmail for Christmas cookies.

10. I would kill for a full body deep tissue massage with hot stones or a Dharma pedicure at the Paint Shop.
Welcome to my craziness....stay as long as you would like!
I never knew that about pickles! And I don't like it when you make me cry.
I love #1. A good friend of mine would just tell me to "breathe" and relax. I'd say it to you, but the last thing I'd want to do is make you crazy by suggesting it. ;)
As for #6...I can respect that. I know not everyone will like me, and those that do...those are the ones that truly matter.
Just thought I'd offer my $0.02...
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