Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Let Down...Get Over It

I was so excited, so sure, so with it. And now?!?!

Hmpf... now...not so much. But what is THIS!?!?!

THIS is the let down.

It is quite normal. Really, it is standard and possibly in the fine print some place. With all that said what to do?!?! The chatter will die down as we each go back to the work at hand.

I have come to accept and know the ones that face the let down and keep moving are the ones who have success. It is time to stand on two feet, look the let down square in the eye and get over it.

YES, it sucks to not be in a room full of some of the most incredible people ever.

YES, it sucks to be away from the friends who have my back and would do anything for me.

YEP, it sucks to to back to the day job work.


Now that we got that out there, let's move on.

No, really, move on. Get over it!

It is hard work to stand on you own two feet secure in what you are doing. No one ever said it would be easy. Not even an inkling of that promise. You have burned your ships and suddenly look to your right, to your left and you are alone.


Um...yeah, see...You are not really alone. You are just one YOUR path. You have all the support in the universe all around you. Just because you can not see it, touch it, be in the same room with it does not mean it is time to panic. (this is really important so let's pause and let that settle in!)

You were made for this, you are ready for this and it is time to stop watching the burning ships and get back to the work that is calling you deeply.

This work is deeply built into your core. It is who you are and why YOU are here.

It is YOURS. Own it!

No one in that room (or on in existence) has the same work. Similar, yes. Exactly the same, NO!

Why??? We each have our own work, our own gifts, and our own path. It is time to step with clarity, confidence and courage into the knowledge and truth that we are here and we have something to say, something to create, something to give.

Truthfully, it is MY time to step clearly, confidently and courageously into my truth, my power, my enoughness.

Yes, I am nauseous!

Yes, it sucks to do this in what feels like a very naked way. (really it is and *gulp* deal with it!) I have an amazing support team all around me, holding me up, supporting me in my strength and this purpose spilling out of me.

I am enough. I am safe. I am beautiful. I am powerful.

And my gift for you...so are YOU!!!! (together we can work on this!)

(and who are we NOT to be?!?!?!)

What do you think about that? Let me know!


Dana said...

Nicole, I'm so proud of you! Thank you for sharing your amazing spirit and gifts with me (and everyone else in the room). And while we're each on our own unique journey, it feels a little less scary knowing that we're also in this together. You have the power (and purpose) to change lives! Love you my friend. :)