I have been in a weird (but not unfamiliar) place of late. I get one thing uprighted and another one falls by the wayside. And it is dark.
All the time, dark. Or so it seems to me! I love this time of year, I really do. The leaves are crunchy and smell like fall with a hint of snow coming. I love settling in for the evening with a nice glass of wine or a hot cup of tea.
It is the time of year that reminds me that I am alone. Not that I am looking for pity, please, I have to admit I quite enjoy my life. But there are times when it creeps in and I miss the company, the friendship, the lover, the knowing look, the touch of the small of my back as I walk in front, the brush of a warm hand on my neck to let me know that I am not alone. I miss that!
I am in this place that creeps up on me now. It was that it was on me constantly and I was sad. It lessened over time and now it just creeps in and reminds me that while I am happy with my life there is one part that I am not. And for now I am going to focus on what I am grateful for while sitting with this tinge of sadness.
- I am hugely grateful to know that sadness does not hurt me and I can sit with it quietly, safely today.
- I am grateful for my health and ability to take care of my house.
- I am grateful for friends all over the world who remind me that I am not alone in the grand scheme of things!
- I am grateful for two amazing sisters that bring me such joy and happiness daily, even when they are bratty and annoying!
- I am grateful for sister-friends who are far from me in location and still deeply and fondly in my heart always! I miss you and love you!
- I am grateful for work that provides me money to do Christmas shopping at a gorgeous place like Phipps Conservatory.
- I am grateful for a quiet, contentment with myself these days that I can sit quietly sipping tea, reading a magazine, planning for the holidays.
- I am grateful for the awareness that I have so much gratitude today!
Peace and Love to you!
What are you grateful for today?
:) I recently blogged about being more open to gratitude myself! Good for you. I'm also grateful for my many friends & family, kids & husband, and all my many blessings.
Namaste :)
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