Friday, October 16, 2009

Blocked, Stuck, WTF????

I keep trying to write a blog, a note in the journal and even attempted to write handwritten letters and nothing wants to flow out of me as far as writing goes! I am beyond annoyed and frustrated.

But I wanted to let you know that I am learning so much about myself and even putting a bunch of stuff into practice. I am feeling more grounded and better balanced but still have work to do! :-)

I am getting ready to take my first vacation in the Fall! I am thrilled beyond words to finally have some time to just do nothing. I will be in Los Angeles for a week and can not wait to see what this trip has in store for me. Watch for updates on that soon!

How do I get out of being stuck and blocked with writing??? Well, I just start writing and posting. So bear with me as this may be a bit boring or even dumb. If anyone has any suggestions on getting unstuck comment or email me.


Bill Gordon said...

Hi Nicole,
Gotta get this blog back on track, I wanna read it! Yeah, I know, I am not one to talk. LOL
Hope things are going well for you out there in Steeltown!